WURD Radio
ICYMI: Here’s a roundup of the biggest topics of conversation last week on WURD Radio.
Making History in Space: Victor Glover Jr. is the first African American to serve on an extended mission aboard the International Space Station for NASA. He joined Wake Up With WURD to talk about his life, career and impact on Black history. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/wake-up-with-wurd-22522-victor-glover-jr
State of the Union: Dr. Timothy Golden spoke on WUWW about the State of the Union for Black folks and Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.
Temple journalism professor Linn Washington Jr. also discussed the State of the Union.
Reparations: WHYY reporter Tennyson Donyea joined the show to dive deeper into the case of reparations in New Jersey. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/wake-up-with-wurd-22822-tennyson-donyea
Temperature Check: Aisha Davis, Esq., is policy director for the Black to the Future Action Fund. She joined Reality Check to discuss a fourth wave of the fund’s Temperature Check poll, confirming Black adults’ significant dissatisfaction with how the economy is impacting their families and communities. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/reality-check-22822-aisha-davis
Critical Race Theory: Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson with Movement 4 Black Lives spoke with Charles Ellison about critical race theory. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/reality-check-3122-ash-lee-woodard-henderson
Self-Defense in the Face of Violence: Dr. Akinyele Umoja, professor of Africana Studies at Georgia State University, spoke on Evening WURDs about his book, “We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement.” https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/evening-wurds-2-28-22-dr-akinyele-umoja
Black History: Dr. Haki Madhubuti, a noted author, poet and educator, spoke with Nick Taliaferro about his works, life and Marcus Garvey’s history.
Unpacking Family Baggage: Dr. Lillian Williams, founder and director of Family Stories Forever, joined the show to discuss unpacking family history and trauma.
Family Legacy: Dionne Poyser, granddaughter of the late Bishop Felix F. Poyser, joined The Source to talk about Poyser’s legacy. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/the-source-w-andrea-lawful-sanders-2282022-dionne-poyser
Politics: Philadelphia community leader Andre Carroll spoke with Andrea Lawful Sanders about his race for the State House District 201, and Emmanuel Wilkerson discussed his race for PA State Senate.
Councilmember At-Large Allan Domb also spoke about his bill to create term limits for City Council.
Action Steps: Jasmine Sessoms discussed how old refineries in South Philly communities can be restored and cleaned up. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/the-source-w-andrea-lawful-sanders-312022-jasmine-sessoms[
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Written by: wurdradio21stg
Aisha Davis Allan Domb Andre Carroll Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson Black to the Future Action Fund critical race theory Dr. Akinyele Umoja Dr. Haki Madhubuti Dr. Timothy Golden Emmanuel Wilkerson Family Stories Forever Felix F. Poyser International Space Station Jasmine Sessoms Ketanji Brown Jackson Linn Washington Jr. marcus garvey Movement 4 Black Lives NASA new jersey PES Refinery State of the Union temple university Tennyson Donyea Victor Glover Jr. whyy
Each Saturday, Vikki Leach and guests, offers various insights, information and perspectives via a magazine style format featuring conversation highlighting issues and topics impacting our communities - including health, politics and all things in between - with the goal of building bridges to empower communities.
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