Caller Policy

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Guidelines for Callers

Our callers are important to us and their voices should be heard. WURD wants to have interesting and deep conversations that represent the diversity of the Black diaspora. In order to do that, we need to give as many callers as possible a chance to be heard. Here are a few guidelines to follow when calling WURD to make a comment on air: 

One Call Per Day

You might be interested in contributing to many of the shows you hear, however you are limited to one on-air question or comment per day. If you call more than once a day, our producers will be instructed to ask you to call back another day. Repeated failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in being banned from calling.

Be On Topic

Before you call, listen to the host’s introduction or recap of the show topic and guest. Note the questions posed. Make sure what you want to say is directly related to the topic.

Be Brief

When your call is taken, please get right to your comment and make your most important point first. There may not be time for you to make multiple points or have a follow-up with the guest.

No Personal Attacks

It is fine to disagree with a point of view, but personal attacks are not allowed. No name-calling, slander, or hate speech including any disparaging remarks based on race, sex, gender or other form of personal identity. And under no circumstances will we take any calls that are threatening, harassing, bullying, or obscene. This applies to your conversation with producers, hosts and guests. 

Phone Quality

Use the phone handset, not the speakerphone option or a headset. They both reduce the audio quality of your call when you are on the air. If you are calling on a cell phone please be sure you have a strong signal. If you are in your car, for your own safety and the quality of your signal, please pull over.

Turn Off Your Radio

We have a slight broadcast delay and having your radio on can cause you to miss your turn. Please turn our radio off before you call in. You can listen to the program live on your telephone while you are on hold.

Thank you for being part of the show!



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