WURD Radio
ICYMI: Here’s a roundup of the biggest topics of conversation last week on WURD Radio.
Inflation: Dr. Mary Findling, assistant director for the Harvard Opinion Research Center, talked about a recent poll that shows how high inflation in the United States is having a more serious impact on Black, Latino and Native American households.
In the News: Temple University journalism professor Linn Washington Jr. joined Wake Up With WURD to discuss the lack of justice for Emmett Till and the FBI searching Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Former Superior Court Judge Damon Tyner also spoke on the legal implications of the Mar-a-Lago search.
Asthma: Dr. Tyra Bryant-Stephens, director of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Community Asthma Prevention Program, discussed CAPP+, a project that sends contractors into patients’ homes to do repairs to eliminate asthma triggers.
Black Business: Regina Hairston, president and CEO of the African American Chamber of Commerce of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, discussed the second annual National Convening of Black Mayors last week in Philadelphia.
Skin Care: Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Fayne Frey, author of a new book being released in October called “The Skin Care Hoax,” joined The Source to discuss common skin care myths.
Education: Ellyn Jo Waller, Ed.D., an advocate and educator who is engaged in civic and humanitarian efforts, talked about the importance of a postsecondary education.
COVID-19: Children First executive director Donna Cooper and director of parent advocacy Inella Ray discussed the effects COVID-19 has had on youth during and “after” the pandemic.
Coins and Conversations: Holly Fakunle joined CrossWURDz to talk about college and career readiness. She gave three tips students need to take the leap after high school.
Genealogy: West Chester University professor Anita Foeman spoke about genealogy and shared why people need to stop focusing on where they come from.
Self-Help: Spiritual therapist Nakira Darden discussed her new self-help book, explaining why she felt the book was necessary for women to read and what she wants them to get out of it.
Dating for Men: Dating coach Blaine Anderson has helped over 1,000 guys learn how to authentically market themselves and start attracting women through her program, “Transform Your Dating Life in 30 Days.” She joined Love & Life to share her experiences and offer tips men can use when dating.
Parenting in Education: John Barber, VP of strategic engagement and partnerships at the Fund for the School District of Philadelphia, talked about navigating the educational system as both a co-parent and single father.
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Written by: WURD Radio
African American Chamber of Commerce of Pennsylvania asthma Blaine Anderson Children First Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Damon Tyner Donald Trump Ellyn Jo Waller Emmett Till Fayne Frey Fund for the School District of Philadelphia genealogy Harvard Opinion Research Center inflation Linn Washington Jr. Mar-a-Lago Nakira Darden National Convening of Black Mayors New Jersey and Delaware Regina Hairston temple university Wake Up With WURD West Chester University
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