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By Erin McCarthy and Michael Klein | Inquirer.com
The idea of drinks at a bar on Easter Sunday is a real possibility throughout much of Pennsylvania, as Gov. Tom Wolf on Monday announced an easing of restrictions at restaurants outside of Philadelphia.
Effective April 4, Wolf said, restaurants will be allowed to seat up to 75% of their capacity indoors, serve alcohol without food, resume bar service (with barriers to create social distancing), and move last call past 11 p.m., while gyms, casinos, and other entertainment venues can also increase their capacities to 75%.
Philadelphia officials on Monday, however, did not budge on restrictions in place for establishments in the city. “We will review any new changes to statewide restrictions issued by the governor and determine what makes sense for Philadelphia based on our local conditions,” a city spokesperson said. “As has been the case throughout the pandemic, Philadelphia is able to remain more restrictive than the state when it comes to COVID-19 mitigation guidance.”
Occupancy in New Jersey, where indoor dining capacity is 35%, will increase to 50% effective Friday, March 19. Amusement venues, gyms, barber shops, salons, and related businesses are covered by Gov. Phil Murphy’s order.
Continue reading at Inquirer.com
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Written by: wurdradio21stg
Coronavirus covid COVID-19 Erin McCarthy Governor Phil Murphy Governor Tom Wolf Michael Klein new jersey pennsylvania philadelphia inquirer restaurants
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