WURD Radio
Radio personality Al Butler spoke with Solomon Jones on Wake Up With WURD on Republican discourse surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris’ multiracial identity and how Former president Trump claims Harris “recently became Black.” Butler explained how Blackness is defined and intersected throughout the African diaspora.
Rashaun Williams is the co-chair of the Philadelphia Reparations Task Force. He joined Evening WURDs with Dr. James Peterson to discuss the importance of how reparations have and will impact Black lives.
Health educator Linnea Bond and Mitch Chanin of POWER Interfaith spoke to Amadee Braxton on Solutions about PGW’s limitations of public input on how the utility service should operate with fossil fuels. They further discussed how they can transform the critical energy system to clean renewable sources.
Tonya Pendelton hosted a live broadcast on the National Convening of Black Mayors and the National Black Business Expo. The two-day event brought national, state and local leaders together for community building, networking and to hear the unique perspectives of Black business owners and leaders.
Samantha Melamed is a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter and joined Solomon Jones to report on the uptick of vacant properties in Kensington. Melamed discussed how the buildings have been entrenched in the strong drug market activity and how it disrupts the lives of Kensington residents.
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Written by: Kiara Santos
African diaspora Donald Trump ecoWURD Magazine Kamala Harris PGW Philadelphia reparations
Hosted by award-winning journalist Solomon Jones, Wake Up With WURD is a news and entertainment talk show that promotes dialogue and debate on today's hottest issues, and does so from a black perspective. Our guests include journalists, politicians, leaders, academics, and pop-culture icons. We seek to share news and information interactively, to engage our listeners in meaningful and compelling dialogue, and to use information as a basis for action.
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