WURD Radio
Photo Credit: Nitin Mukul / Epicenter
ICYMI: Here’s a roundup of the biggest topics of conversation last week on WURD Radio.
Roe v. Wade: A draft opinion leaked to Politico this week indicating the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked heated discussion nationwide. Here are WURD hosts’ interviews on the topic:
NJ State Troopers: Steven Young, president of the National Action Network’s South Jersey chapter, joined Wake Up With WURD to discuss issues involving New Jersey state troopers. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/wake-up-with-wurd-5222-steven-young
Book Club: WURD President and CEO Sara Lomax-Reese and Jeannine Cook, owner and founder of Harriett’s Bookshop, discussed WURD’s upcoming event, “Black WURDs Book Club: In conversation with Alice Walker.” https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/wake-up-with-wurd-5422-sara-lomax-reese-and-jeannine-cook
Health: Michelle Freemer, M.D., M.P.H., program director of the asthma program of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, discussed Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/reality-check-5322-michelle-freemer
Black Twitter: King Williams is interim managing editor of The Plug, a Black-owned tech publication covering the innovation economy. He discussed Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and what it means for the Black community. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/reality-check-5322-king-williams
Diversity in Schools: Three parents from the Pennridge School District spoke on The Source about the fallout after their children’s school district dropped its diversity program. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/the-source-w-andrea-lawful-sanders-522022-ruth-fields-jeneal-hobbs-adrienne-king
Business Talk: Randy Clarke, founder of Breshseh in Jamaica, spoke about his business specializing in backpacks and duffle bags made from sustainable products, Kurt E. Smith, aka Vegan ChefKESS, discussed his business specializing in plant-based meals and Tiffany Green spoke with host Andrea Lawful Sanders about her local beverage company Dillonades.
Music: West Philly hip-hop artist Chill Moody discussed a special event coming up at The Mann Music Center and shared how it feels to be a hip-hop artist in those spaces. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/crosswurdz-5422-chill-moody
Sexual Health: Jayla Murdock discussed how both men and women can be abused and what loved ones should (and shouldn’t) do when trying to support victims of sexual violence. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/crosswurdz-5422-jayla-murdock
Coins & Conversation: Joanna Jane discussed summer spending habits and how to avoid going into debt on vacation. https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/crosswurdz-5222-joanna-jane
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Written by: WURD Radio
Alice Walker allergies asthma Black Twitter Chill Moody Elon Musk Harriett’s Bookshop Jeannine Cook Joanna Jane Pennridge School District Roe v. Wade sara lomax-reese SCOTUS sexual violence supreme court The Mann The Plug Twitter
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