Women & Gender

WURD Radio’s Women of WURD

today April 1, 2022my_locationSouthSide

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Begin April 1, 2022 H 4:00 pm
End April 1, 2022
Location SouthSide
Address 1410 Mt. Vernon St. Philadelphia

In honor of Women’s History Month, join the Women of WURD for an Evening of Celebration on April 1 from 4 to 7 p.m. at SouthSide Events, 1410 Mt. Vernon St.

The evening will include a special performance by WURD’s “Love & Life” co-host, singer-songwriter Carol Riddick. Meet and greet the finalists of the Level UP contest, enjoy delicious food and more. And forWURD members will be entered to win a three-day, two-night stay at the Mansion at Noble Lane in the Poconos!

General admission tickets are $25, and forWURD members get in free! Everyone must register through Eventbrite, and space is limited, so register early.

Continue to support, protect and preserve independent Black media by joining or renewing your forWURD membership. Membership has its privileges … join or renew your forWURD membership today!

The Evening of Celebration is sponsored by Bank of America, PECO, Keystone First, Comcast and New Voices for Reproductive Justice.



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