Community Events

Generations: Speak!

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On January 12th, 900AM-WURD will host “Generations: Speak!” This is more than a discussion. It’s the start of action plan that combines the energy of the young with the resources of the elders to fight the rise of racism.
Those who’ve already faced such battles will share the wisdom of the past. Young activists and leaders will share the realities of the present. In the face of the kind of racism we haven’t seen in a generation, we’ll tell painful truths, share tried and true strategies, and when we emerge from that room, we’ll do so with a plan.
The five tangible goals of this conversation are:

  • Identifying our challenges
  • Quantifying our resources
  • Prioritizing our battles
  • Coordinating our strategy
  • Taking action

Our panel:

  • Charles L. Blockson – Educator, historian and author
  • Sonia Sanchez – Poet, activist and scholar
  • Linn Washington – Journalist and Associate Professor of Journalism at Temple University
  • Shani Akilah – Anti-oppression organizer, educator and activist
  • Asa Khalif – Activist and Black Lives Matter Organizer
  • Michael O’Bryan – Program Manager, Youth Arts Education at Village of Arts and Humanities

Solomon Jones, award-winning journalist and host of Wake Up With WURD, will be our moderator.
Join us for a powerful evening of conversation and solutions.
This event is free, but you must RSVP. Doors open at 5:00 p.m., event begins at 5:30 p.m.



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