WURD Radio
How often have we lamented the state of Black institutions, the lack of support for our arts and cultural organizations, or the limited opportunities for Black economic empowerment?
During the month of March, WURD presents THE BLACK LIST – Creating a Path to Economic Self-Determination. Here’s how you can participate:
LISTEN: Tune in all month as our hosts talk with guests and callers about The Black List – nine questions that explore ways that we as individuals and as a community can support our institutions, organizations and businesses to create greater economic self-sufficiency.
Then, on March 26, WURD will host a day-long live broadcast from the Black History and Culture Showcase focused on creating a path to economic self-determination. The live broadcast will feature interviews with some of the leading voices in Black economic development.
TAKE THE BLACK LIST SURVEY BELOW: We need to hear from YOU. Please take a moment to respond below to The Black List survey— your feedback will help gauge our individual and collective support of our institutions. Your answers are confidential.
SHARE THE BLACK LIST: Tell your friends! You can use this link for sharing: http://goo.gl/forms/n3JnvcED6w.
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