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Chester Made is an initiative to help recognize and promote arts and culture in the City of Chester and to harness its power as a force for community revitalization.
At the July 1 Chester City Council meeting (6:30 pm), Chester Made will garner support for the revitalization of Chester through arts and culture. Organizers will present a Cultural Assets Map, marking Chester’s people, places and events that make up the fabric of arts and culture in the city. The information on the cultural asset map will be integrated into city projects and land use planning.
The meeting will be followed by an “Arts Loop” down the Avenue of the States. The Arts Loop, curated by The Artist Warehouse and presented by PECO, is a celebration of the vibrant arts and culture district in downtown Chester. The shops and galleries will open their doors from 8 – 10:30 pm. Many will have light refreshments and entertainment.
Chester Made also will recognize individuals, businesses, and organizations as Chester Made Champions, honoring their impact on Chester’s culture. Nearly 200 champions will be named. Funding for Chester Made Champions was provided by a grant from the Pennsylvania Abolition Society and by PECO.
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